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Manyara National Park

A Birdwatcher's Paradise and More

Manyara National Park is a protected area in Tanzania, situated along the eastern edge of the Great Rift Valley. Established in 1960, it encompasses a diverse range of landscapes, including:
Acacia woodlands: These dominate the park's central region, providing habitat for a variety of wildlife.
The Rift Valley escarpment: This dramatic geological feature offers stunning panoramic views and is a defining characteristic of the park.
Manyara Lake: This large, shallow alkaline lake is a haven for birdlife, particularly flamingos during the wet season.

Beyond the Expected

Witness a captivating array of wildlife beyond the birds. Spot iconic African animals like elephants, zebras, giraffes, and wildebeest grazing on the savannas. Keep your eyes peeled for elusive predators like lions, cheetahs, and leopards, while playful monkeys swing through the trees.

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